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History of chapter 3 by jaine_olliveira12 on 07-18-2015
Two weeks later, De Jekyll had a dinner party. (...) He invited Dr Laynon and Mr Utterson, as well as several other people.
The guests ate a good dinner. Dr Jekyll talked and laughed. But he did not talk about his work. All the guests enjoyed themselves. At twelve o'clock, all the guests said good night and left...
...except for Utterson. Utterson stayed because he wanted to talk to Dr Jekyll. Dr Jekyll was a large man, aged fifty, with a smooth and handsome face. He sat back in a chair by the fire he looked Utterson.
Jekyll, I like to talk to you about your will.
Utterson, you worry too much. You are the same as Laynon. He worries about scientific work. You worry about my will.
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