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The Door - Chapter 1 - part eight by CYBERTROIER on 07-19-2015
‘And is that the end of the story?’
‘No. Not quite ‘I looked at the cheque. There was a name printed on it. But the name on the cheque and the man’s signature were different.’ ‘Had he stolen the cheque book?’ ‘No, he hadn’t. The man saw that I was looking at the cheque. ‘He said, “The bank will pay the money. Come with me to the bank. I will show you.” ‘And so I went to the bank with the man and the girl’s father. I gave the cheque to the bank cashier. He looked at the signature on the cheque carefully. He looked at the bank records. He read some information about the bank’s customers. Then he paid the money in cash. And now the girl’s family is a hundred pounds richer than before.’
‘That’s strange ‘What was the name printed on the cheque and what was the signature?’
The name printed on the cheque was Dr Henry Jekyll ‘But the signature was – Mr Edward Hyde. The bank has special instructions. Mr Hyde can sign Dr Jekyll’s cheques.’
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