The cat is telling the monkey how happy he is since it's the last day of school, but the monkey does not like how the cat is reacting. |
| It's the last day of school I am happy to (dispel) something like this. | |
| Just because it's the last day it does not mean they have to (dismiss) you, and don't act so (disgruntled) with me. | |
The cat is telling the monkey not to get in his business, so the monkey agrees and tries to tell him whats right. |
| Hey don't get all (divisive) in my business just because I want to (digress) doesn't u have the rights to tell me what I should do on the last day. | |
| Sure I don't want to get into it I just want to tell you what is right. | |
They are both happy that cat succeeded on the last day of school. |
| Thank you, now I have succeeded in school. If I were to (discord) and not follow what you told me I wouldn't have achieve on passing school | |
| No you went with what your heart told you to I didn't help you at all. It's the last day of school and you really did pass. | |