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The Adventures of Jim and Bob No.5 by Wolf_Born74 on 07-27-2015
Well, I guess I should send them back to earth now so the survive this... I hope i'm not getting fired for this.
Man, this narrator really is (digressing) from his job to save us.
I hope we don't die from this!!!
Oh, this is such a (discrepancy) in this story!!! I forgot that my teleport abilities don't go that far!!! Now they are just falling!!!
Ahhhhhh!!!! Why did we teleport here!!!!!!
Great Now the universe is in Great (discord) because of us!!!
Oh great, this is definitely not going to be (discreet)!
Oh, I'm in such a (dour) mood now!
Nooooooo!!! We are going to die!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
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