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BA-DUM! (A 'Law and Order' Love Story) by UnkieAl on 08-06-2006
Oh wow! You're B.D. Wong from "Law and Order S.V.U" !
That's right, and hey! You're Angie Harmon from the original Law and Order series!
No, dammit! I'm Carey Lowell! Why do people always confuse me with that bimbo?
Gee, are you sure about that? Actually, you're dressed like Jill Henessey. Are you sure you aren't her?
Jill Henessey? The chick from "Crossing Jordan"? Well, now that you mention it, I *am* dressed like a doctor...now I'm not sure...
Hello Mr. Wolf? Cancel my scenes for the rest of the day. I think I'm about to get some yum-yum from Carey Lowell... hee-heee!
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