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Officer and the robot by Simon222 on 09-29-2015
Frank the officer meets Mr. Auto midnight under the cover of dark
Hello Mr. Auto we heard of a (cohesive) group of robots that have been working (clandestine) on some top secret info without us knowing about it.
Really! I have never heard of such a thing. I haven't even been able to (collaborate) with other robots since the last robot war.
We have been watching you, and we have seen you talking with the other robots. I strongly(compel) you to tell the truth.
Are you really threatening me officer? A human would actually threaten me. If you are the only (competent) human with the ideal ability’s to interrogate me. Then prepare yourself for this!
Mr Auto teleported the officer to an erupting volcano.
What, were am I? How did I get here?
Next time don't stick your nose in other people’s business.
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