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Paper Airplanes by 123pizza on 10-11-2015
I'm very sorry Steven, but we are going to have to let you go. The company and I (decry) your ways of working.
Oh come on Mike! I cannot (defer) to what your asking me to do! This job is extremely important to me!
Steven, you know I will (despair) once you leave, but I have to do my job.
No, I must (denounce). I have been nothing but a hard-worker and a devoted paper salesmen.
Steven, I'm going to have to (debunk) you. All you do is make paper airplanes all day and disrupt other workers. Like last week, when you hit Susan in the eye with a paper airplane made out of construction paper.
Oh yeah I guess I am a pretty bad worker. But you'll be sorry for firing me when I have a private jet and my own butler. Peace out Michael.
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