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Job Applicants by McCall on 10-11-2015
*Discussing two job applicants*
So I heard you visited the two boys over the weekend, right?
Yes. The first boy was a bit of a bully and quite (cynical) at times. He always seemed moody, and saw the negative side of things. His application seemed (credible), yet when I interviewed him, I had to re-think how truthful he might have actually been on his application.
I had to (curtail) the meeting a couple hours before 5, I just didn't know how much more I could stand. It was quite (daunt)ing to have to go to another meeting the same day, but I knew I couldn't call it off so I sucked it up and went.
Luckily, the second meeting was so much better than the first one! This boy was so different from the other one. I've never met such a (cordial) young man. There was a calm, pleasant aura about him and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with him.
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