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Students by McCall on 10-14-2015
*Discussig their students*
Yes, my third period can be a bit challenging. It is so hard to teach sometimes when half of the class is trying to make me (digress) from the lesson by asking me the most absurd and off-topic questions.
Makes you a little more glad to have those (diligent) students who do stay focused and try to learn something, right?
Definitely. I do, however, occasionally find it entertaining that some students try to be (discreet) in their phone use, gum-chewing, or note passing. Most of the time I do notice!
Then when you have to call them out on it, they get all (disgruntled), and annoyed.
Yes, that would be the downside.
With some classes, the (dismiss)al bell is a gift. Those few peaceful moments after they all rush out at the sound of the bell, are helpful during the day.
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