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Dealing with Challenges by JanetB on 10-18-2015
What do you think are the possible causes?
Well, conversations naturally drift from topic to topic and this happens in forums as well. It could also have resulted from unclear instructions from the teacher. Or, it could have resulted from one student doing the wrong thing, and everyone following his or her example.
What are the possible possible consequences?
Possible consequences are that students will not achieve the aim of the lesson. More work for the teacher but it is a good way to see if they can reformulate their response.
What can the teacher do to deal with this situation?
What the teacheThe teacher can praise the content of the student's work, but add a reminder that it doesn't address the question. So, for example: "John, what you wrote about your favorite foods is very interesting! Remember, though, the topic was to write about your local festivals! Can you tell me about some of them?"
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