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Generic Comic With Too Many Words by Rexisfed on 08-27-2006
You know, comics that have too many words really suck. People go to read the comic, only to discover all the words and they think "What the hell? I don't want to read this". It's lack of visual and too much dialogue.
I totally agree. If somebody wants to read a comic, they want full scale hilarity, not words. If they wanted words, they'd read a book, you know what I'm saying? People need to get things together.
But sometimes so many words are necessary to make a joke, you know? It's a huge dilemma that comic writers have been facing ever since comics were first invented, way back in the early 1960s.
Well, if a joke takes that many words to come together, than it isn't a joke fit for a comic strip. Comic strips are about short and simple jokes that can even make a retard laugh. That's the whole concept.
Concept, my ass! I've seen hilarious comics that are really long with lots of words. Take this one we're in right now, for example. It has way too many words, but it's funny. Or so I assume. It's up to you now.
Oh sh#t, I have to say something funny? Why do I always have to be on the right side? It isn't fair. Three guys walk into a bar. One is gay, another is straight, and the third one is Donald Trump. Get it...?
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