Eating alone at a southern restaurant overlooking the water, Pilz-E considers what to order. |
| Here you are, sir. The goat milk you ordered. Have you decided what you'd like to eat today? | |
| Yes, I have. I'd like the friend chicken, and some mashed potatoes. | |
| Good afternoon buddy. What are your hobbies? Can I have your phone number? I'd like to learn all about your hopes, dreams and goals for the future. Maybe we could play badminton sometime at my Uncle's farm on a long weekend? | |
| Don't take this the wrong way, chick, but what the hell? I ordered FRIED chicken, not a LIVE chicken. | |
Everything becomes clear. |
| Actually, if you'll check the first panel of this witty comic, you clearly said FRIEND chicken. And that's what I am. Your friendly neighborhood chicken. So how about that trip to the country? | |
| Can you at least bring me the f#*king mashed potatoes, cockface? | |