Witty Comics
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"When I hold your hand, I understand that magic that you do" by LeeXan on 07-13-2016
I think if last Friday when I found this site, I made a goal to do 50 of these comics in a week, I never would have done them. Why is that?
I don't know.
I think I really like doing things that I don't have to do.
I like doing things that I really want to do.
I really want to do the things I don't have to do, but also this format makes it easy, fun--I'm here, you're here, we just have to figure out what we want to say. No one on my shoulder telling me I just used a run-on sentence. Only a tiny audience--maybe only you.
Sorry, what'd you say? I was just taking a moment to think of my next comic.
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