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Of the day off, of the book, of the unfinished comic by LeeXan on 08-06-2016
I start with such a simple idea with these comics but sometimes I am led on a wild goose chase.
I love how he starts with the generalities and I have no idea where he's going with it all, but he'll get there eventually. Waiting...
So I want to do a simple comic about how regardless of one's belief or lack thereof, doesn't everyone need a day or two off to chill the eff out? Wasn't that one of the reasons the labor movement formed--for humane conditions and an effing day off?
A day off to relax, read... Oh, and I was going to go on about "the people of the book" because I just connected that to me being "the man with the book" but looking up "people of the book" is what sent me on the wild goose chase...
Too wild to sum up in a three-panel comic apparently? Yeah, oops, sorry.
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