If you are a 21st century teacher, You require your students to use a variety of sources for their research projects...and they cite blogs, podcasts, and interviews theyve conducted via Skype. |
| You give weekly class updates to parents...via your blog. | |
| You ask your students to study and create reports on a controversial topic...and you grade their video submissions. | |
If you are creative, You ask your students to do a character/historical person study...and they create mock social media profiles of their character. |
| You share lesson plans with your teacher friends...from around the globe. | |
| You take your students on a field trip to the Great Wall of China...and never leave your classroom. Or, Your students share stories of their summer vacation...through an online photo repository | |
if you are reading this, Youre a member of SimpleK12s Teacher Learning Community
.or have encouraged a non-tech teacher to join us! |
| You teach your students not to be bullies...or cyberbullies. You | |
| You showcase your students original work...to the world | |