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My Comics by ghad0oosh on 02-21-2018
Those two people are ''collaborate'' together to build a new place for the environment, because this place is so dirty.
Hi Mrs.C would you like to change anything in this place?
Oh yes I was very "compel" my husband to help me changing our environment.
These two people are reading the same book, so they're talking about the auther.
It is not strange that there is a growing "consensus" of opinion that Paul is the author.
from what we had agreed on thus far" would work. I suspect that unless notes were taken about the auther and his book.
This girl came to her sister's wedding and she's telling her about her husband how kind he is.
I totally "cognizant" you and I really understating that what he means to you, hope the best life for you.
I would just "concise and tells you that he's the best I had seen in my life.
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