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Wudi And Liu Bang Comic strip by elgarcia on 03-02-2018
Meeting for First Time
Hi, I am Wudi I was born in 156 B.C. When I was 7 I became the heir of the throne. I officially took place as emperor at the age of 16. I really was not even the oldest son of the king.
Hello Wudi, I am Liu Bang I was born in 248 B.C. My first job was as a police officer. I went to war, and the war lasted for four years. When the war ended I took over all of China.
Discussing Politics & Religion
I was ruler for 46 years, which is from 141 B.C. to 87 B.C. I also expanded my kingdom into Vietnam and Korea, Furgana, and China. My religion is Confucianism, nut I don’t follow all of the rules all the time. I made my kingdom into all of those places by winning wars against them.
I was ruler for 7 years, which is from 202 B.C. to 195 B.C. I uled western China, but when I won the war I took over the rest of China. The only war that happened when I was ruling was when I was fighting to get the rest of China. My governmental belief is Feudalism.
Arguing Who Was More Successful
I was a better ruler because I ruled longer. I also founded a Confucianism College. I ruled more land than you and was a better rule in general. I even controlled trade of salt, wine, and iron to raise money.
Well I was a better ruler because I didn't rule as long. I also eliminated harsh taxes on peasants so that they could live a better life. I made peace with Mongolia and others who were trying to invade us in China. I even made many advances in art, literature, and science.
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