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Liu Bang vs Wudi by Isdelong on 03-07-2018
Meeting for First Time
Hello My name is Liu bang I was born around 248 BC and I was born into a peasant family in China.My dad was a farmer and I worked as a police officer during the Qin dynasty.
Hello Liu bang my name is Wudi and I was born around 141 BC and my dad was a king.I was only sixteen when I was made emperor but that had been decided when I was only 7 years old.
Discussing Politics & Religion
Well I have been ruler for 46 years and I have expanded all over Asia,Vietnam,and korea.I have also conquered Southern China and most of Vietnam.My religious belief is Confucianism.
Well I was ruler for 7 years i also spread through Asia and my army fought Hsiang Yu’s army and it lasted for about 4 years.I believe in Feudalism that I also spread through China.
arguing whos more sucessful
Well Liu Bang I gained control over several areas of Asia and I added new taxes because I saw that the government controlled the trade of all salt,wine,and iron to make money.
Okay well Wudi I decided that China needed to be more aggressive when they approach foreign nations so I became emperor of China.I aslo gained control of Vietnam and most of Korea.
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