 | Hey ComradeK, you hopeless Commie! I’m going to ask a most comely Comrade wearing a most revolutionary sundress to accompany me to Big Bend Park this weekend. What do you think? |  |
 | I may mention to her that due to massive infusions of artificial hormones into your body that your sex organs may be somewhat unrevolutionary. |  |
 | So you see Comrade how Nature is scientific and Marxist and Copernican in its essence and how although humanity may be extinct in a hundred years or so life will go on in its Darwinian way. |  |
 | Humans are on a ship of fools heading for Gilligans Island and there is no rescue coming. No god, no Klaatu, no hope... |  |
 | And if you ruin my weekend by talking to that comely Comrade I’ll inject massive amounts of PFASs into your Commie rear end rendering you a slobbering flailing squid! |  |
 | I’ll calm him down by offering him a cold Shiner Bock. You win friends and influence anarchists through free beer and revolutionary company |  |