 | Hey there, Bob. I Just made project lead, got a raise and purchased an audi A4 Quattro! What do you have say to that? |  |
 | Very little. |  |
 | what? |  |
 | Simple, While you may make more money than me, this is a temporary situation, our fates are ultimately the same. To grow old. We will both find ourselevs without value in contemporary society which values only the young and new. Your "valiant" struggles to eek out a meager increase in your standard of living is ultimately futile. |  |
 | I still have an Audi, sh#t-eater. |  |
 | My Toyota Celica GT-Four is faster in the 0-60, has greater tuning potential, and costs almost 6 grand less than your car. I worked less than you and still came out ahead. Ponder that, you prick. |  |