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tech support 17 by loveanda45 on 12-14-2006
sure, I can help you reset your homepage, this is so easy, it will only take a minute...
..ok, what do I do now? Oh, I got a pop-up... hey, the computer has frozen up..theres an hourglass...why is this so slow? I thought the Internet speed was supposed to be fast...its not letting me click anything, what do I do...
15 minutes later..
try pressing CONTROL+ALT+DEL to end the program thats not responding..
wait, my mouse stopped working.....what do i do? I don't know what to do. Im so confused....something popped up down by the clock and it says my computer is infected...can you hear that alarm going off? what is that..?
15 minutes later...
so much for only a minute..
I thought this was supposed to be fast..this internet service sucks..now my laptop is going to sleep..it says the battery is low, oh wait, the cord is unplugged....I better get a credit for this..
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