 | Videomonkey... you are not really considering scrapping your script are you? |  |
 | Hey you are me! Hmm...I seem to be having an Absinthe induced moment of introspection... |  |
 | yes indeed... now the question at hand.. are you? |  |
 | Why not? It's not like I couldn't write another easy, look at how easy I knock out these comics. Besides it's not very commercial and I'm running into nothing but trouble doing it but it is excellent enough to get me a $100 or more if I sell it... |  |
 | That is if your girlfriend doesn't send it to every Tom Dick and Harry on the internet...before you register it. |  |
 | ...yeah, I guess she didn't read in the film book about only sending a couple pages to prospective actor-persons..... |  |