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Divine Internvention by T_Emery_Lolsworth on 03-13-2007
Yes, it's true that you guys are just figments of my personality, but the crucial thing is that I divided it in two so it had someone to talk to
Dude messages from God
Well, according to him we are God
No, that's not what I meant, what I meant was you're fictional characters moulded from my own personality and experiences
Like Jesus?
No, not aaaaah. Look the point is that you're two characters in a comic because two characters you can see talking to each other is more entertaining than one bloke ranting to himself on a blog, okay? And if you ever call on me like this again I'll put you both in Star Trek/Harry Potter crossover slashfic, you bitches
Bags I Riker
Don't anger thy lord, Floyd
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