Exit, pursued by a bear. - William Shakespeare |
| Okay now - why do I get, out of all the possible Shakes quotes there are, THIS ONE to illustrate at my own peril - HUH? Who hates me this much?!? | |
| Uh... I dunno... Can I maul you now? | |
Friendship is Love without his wings! - Lord Byron |
| I figured that they'd clipped your wings, "dah-ling"...! No sapphic advances in MONTHS were a dead-on clue... | |
| They may have clipped your wings too - but they sure left the horns on! I can see them! | |
Be faithful to that which exists within yourself. - Andre Gide |
| What to do when you're so full of it - huh?!? | |
| ROT... And DIE. | |