| So we mentioned the death of Steve Gilliard | |
| Well, in light of the tribute paid to him by Smantix of sixmeatbuffet.com,we have this to say | |
| Go f#*k a lawnmower, you racist piece of sh#t. | |
| Steve Gilliard was twenty seven times the man you were, and THAT IS NOT A CUE FOR ONE OF YOUR OH-SO-CLASSY f#*kING FAT JOKES, YOU DISGUSTING WORTHLESS #&@! | |
| When I think of the perfectly good carbon that got wasted on creating a racist, hateful, despicable scumbag like yourself I weep. And I'm a drawing. | |
| You really, really need to have the sh#t beaten out of you, #&@!rag. You're absolute scum. I'm not even being funny. No exaggerating for comic effect. You're a #&@!, and I hate you, and I hope you get eaten by a Siberian Tiger. | |