| So Paris Hilton's back in jail then | |
| Great. In other news, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has resigned, Alan Johnson has now been missing for 88 days, and small children are dying in their own blood in Iraq | |
| You're a funny little man | |
| Why the f#*k does anyone care about Paris f#*king Hilton at all? I mean, I barely feel able to blame the media for being obsessed with her, since they're just giving the public what the stupid f#*kers want | |
| Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The retard-baiting media or the retards? | |
| They've created a world where Paris Hilton is a household name just for being the daughter of a rich man and fairly hot. I don't care who came first. All the players in this f#*king farce are each other's creations. | |