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The Red Flag by T_Emery_Lolsworth on 06-12-2007
Floyd and Mike's fascinating facts
#2 (of at least 2): Socialism
Socialism is not two things. First, it is not a f#*king synonym for Communism, you stupid f#*king #&@!s
Oh, shall we substitute "conservatism" with "fascism" or maybe "Nazism"? NO WE f#*kING SHALL NOT, THAT WOULD BE PATENTLY f#*kING RIDICULOUS YOU IDIOTS
The other thing it is not is some kind of terrifying ogre to be used to intimidate people, viz the term "Socialised medicine" to describe a system wherein EVERYONE HAS THE AUTOMATIC RIGHT TO BASIC f#*kING HEALTHCARE,
Damn right it's "socialised medicine" same way that you drive on "socialized roads" and go to "socialized schools" you dumbf#*ks. It's so people aren't basically left for f#*king dead by society simply, because they're poor. You know, cos we're not f#*king Victorians anymore.
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