 | So Gordon Brown's Prime Ministership might prove to be notable as the slowest administration in British history |  |
 | Tha-hat's right, Floyd. I mean, I always knew he was languid and so on, but his is borderline sluggish |  |
 | Don't say "tha-hat's right" again. Anyway, 55 minutes talking to the Queen and getting the seals of office? Jesus Christ, how did she have that much to talk about? Has her husband got an interesting new welt or something? |  |
 | And he's not naming his cabinet until tomorrow. Come on, Gordon, while at least some of us are young! Sadly, it seems that Ed Balls will not be Chancellor after all. It'll probably be Alistair Darling, so at least the copywriters are still happy. |  |
 | You may have noticed that we're not standing in front of the 10 Downing Street graphic today. We'd like to say that this is because we're sure everyone's seen enough of that door today |  |
 | But in fact it's because T. Emery Lolsworth forgot to save the graphic and can't be arsed spending half an hour looking for it again, the stupid f#*khead |  |