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MONKEY BUSINESS by komix46 on 08-31-2007
Ya see Nixon,it's like this...we stay the course in Irak and afga...uh,affga...uh,you know what I mean.Then we bomb the livin' bejeezus out of Iran and there will be peace and democracy in the middle east!It's simple...
OOOOOoooooo...You are making a BIG mistake...take it from me.You can't pretend everything's all blue skies.
Oh yeah?Well check this out tricky...oomah ney-oomah-nah!Mow-Pa doodle-kitty-kitty-cow- COW!!!!
OOOOOooooo!!!What gives?! Magic spells???
Whatcha think of them apples Dick?
OOOOoooo!You truly are the lord of darkness!
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