 | black_owl sherry gabber here from witty comix news mind if i ask u a question on ruzy's critiqe on your comix?? |  |
 | sure sherry always glad to help the liberal media in their search for truth! |  |
 | ruzy says your comix are'nt funny can u comment?? |  |
 | first of all i belive in 1st amendment rights sherry..secound of all we all should use our rights least we lose them..as for ruzy cant say i've seen that person's stuff i'm new to witty comix..thirdly i think if ruzy wants to laugh so much perhaps a good long look in a mirror would satify thier lack of comic relief?? |  |
 | wont ruzy hate u for your view point now mr. black_owl?? |  |
 | probably but sometimes comix are about reactions not humor ..now off with u media scum before i sick the hounds on your vile flesh! |  |