| So there's this kid called Graeme Frost who got in a horrible car accident and would have died without the S-CHIP program of health insurance for children | |
| Legislation pertaining to this program was just vetoed by the f#*king hateful apocalyptic spectre of death who is still the f#*king leader of the free world for some reason | |
| And so of course the Free Republic, the Politico, the Notional Review and Michelle Malkin are now stalking this TWELVE YEAR OLD CHILD AND HIS ENTIRE FAMILY | |
| For the heinous crime of thinking that he and other sick children are entitled to basic medicine regardless of their family's income bracket | |
| And these f#*kers' opinions are still given any regard whatsoever? What the f#*k is wrong with society that these people aren't horsewhipped? | |
| Or at the very least NEVER TREATED AS "PUNDITS" EVER AGAIN, because they're clearly sick f#*ks who deserve a ritual kick in the nuts, or equivalent | |