| Another twat who mysteriously owns a gun has killed a bunch of people for no reason whatever in America | |
| And the "anti-murder control" lobby, or more accurately the "pro everyone being allowed to carry a deadly weapon at all times" imbeciles, have weighed in with the usual whining about how this is in no way their fault | |
| Their main argument is, basically, that if everyone in America was allowed to carry a lethal firearm any time they liked, no-one would shoot anyone else anymore | |
| We can't count how many ways this argument is retarded, dangerous, depressing and horrific | |
| Do this people not comprehend what a gun *is*? It's a f#*king deadly weapon! It's designed to kill things, nothing else! It has no positive use whatsoever! | |
| And letting Joe f#*king #&@! on the street carry one is, and we shouldn't have to point this out, actually going to INCREASE GUN MURDERS, not f#*king DECREASE THEM. Because of dicks like you who think you f#*king need a f#*king Glock to cross the f#*king road | |