 | Dear Eliot Spitzer: what the f#*k is wrong with you |  |
 | How is it possible that you can be so mindbogglingly stupid |  |
 | Duh duh duh duh duh: that's you |  |
 | Speak out against men buying prostitutes and then get caught soliciting them for $4000 each: SMOOTH f#*kING MOVE GENIUS |  |
 | Not that it actually matters, in the whole scheme of things, but that won't stop the likes of Bruce f#*king Tinsley from scrawling barely legible sh#t about it |  |
 | Or Rush "Big Pharma" Limbaugh, if he can get his fat f#*king fingers off the f#*king childproof cap for five f#*king minutes, which he can, the sweaty procine f#*k |  |