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End of First Day by bingham on 05-21-2008
So, how was your first day?
Pretty good. Everyone was really helpful and friendly. Szu help set up my computer. He got me a new mouse, a keyboard and even sat with me most of the day showing me the system. Jodie was helpful too. He showed me how to run queries and cross-checks on our databases for prospective clients. Then Artz was showing me...
...I'm only a few bubbles from levelling up my hunter. Once I do that, I can pwn the noobs who tried to gank me last night in STV. Wait, I'm suppose to teach those boys in Beantown a lesson on COD4. Decisions, decisions....
...so then I cleared my first client of the day. It was so exhilarating! I felt like I accomplished a lot on my first day. I look back on my day and it was like, "wow!"
WoW? You play Warcraft too?
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