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Sceptic, all too sceptic. by Lord_Vacuity on 06-27-2009
during a break in the symposium...
So you don't accept that there is any objective reality?
Yes and no. I, of course, operate as if there is one but I have yet to se any unassailable proof that one exists. To date any argument to the fact rests upon an assumption of Faith. Pretty much like any other religion.
What about the work of people like Einstein, Fenyman or even Wheeler? You can't seriously doubt their findings.
Have you met any of them? Did you actually see them obtain their reported results?
No. My mentor, Dr. Pangloss did research with Fenyman and he saw the results. Countless others have repeated their works and report the same results.
So the basis of your argument is the faith you have that your mentor gave you accurate information and that said information in turn has some correspondence to an objective reality.
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