| the sixth aeon... obelisk, a pestle, 1/3, cloture, a ticket stub to an August 19, 1979 concert by Boston in Pontiac, Michigan at the Silverdome, 3 sweetened rhubarbs, an opened flume, a bevy of squared circles | |
| the mortal remains of J----- G-----, a sweetened mandrake root, a slice of pi (the 3618th through 3669th digits), a tenth part Kevin's quarter note f# from bar 239 of the last page of J.S. Bach's The Art of the Fugue | |
| 51 Tuesdays from 1962, 81 commas, 14 periods, 2 semi-colons and 2 dashes that fell off page 961 of Leo Tolstoi's War and Peace, an empty book of matches from the Mustang Motel in San Marcos, Texas | |
| a complete set of buttons from the jacket of a Wellington, New Zealand police officer, spilled mulled wine | |
| a key to your front door that you lost in the park donated by Widow Winches across from the high school on a Friday night in 1982 when you jumped out of the tall grass because an idiot had driven into the park and didn't see you and C----- making out | |
| both of you fried, you Road Chiefing for her, a bright red daisheiki from Mombasa, a testicular sock, a Yeti, a bag full of shredded Toledo phone directories, a quotation of the Small brothers as they threw stones at us ("Weird white boys singing up in a tree!")... | |