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The Ghost, the priest, and the ugly lady with the jello. by cass on 07-07-2009
Boo!!! Im Megellan! and you need to buy me a big mac and a large coke if not I will haunt you forever. jk jk but really i want a big mac.
No!!! Fool !!! do i like like some servent to you!! I should punch you in the face for saying that!!! now be free and haunt somebody else.
Now let me tell you about myself.... I love big macs and large cokes and i used to travel around the world in this boat right behind us.
Um....do you want fries with that?
Have you seen a ghost around here i got his big mack but i did not buy his large coke.
You are so stupid! How can you forget a large coke !!!! WOW
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