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Nathan Proposes to Imogen (14) by BenW1 on 11-15-2011
After moving all of her stuff to Nathan's house, she thanks him for letting her move in with him.
Thanks so much for letting me move in with you
It's fine. Anyway, you made up the idea, so I'm pleased
Imogen tells Nathan that she'll have to sell her house, though.
I'm actually a bit worried because I'll have to sell the house me and Brian bought. And it'll be a hassle a bit.
Look, how about you stay at your house for a bit and then sell it. Then, I'll sell mine and we can buy a house together.
Nathan then proposes to Imogen!
Look, this is a big step for us. And we've only just met, but I want us to be together. Imogen, will you marry me?!
YES!!! Of course!!!
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