Imogen apoligises to Lesley for lashing out at her. |
 | Look, Lesley, I'm really sorry for saying that I didn't mean it. |  |
 | It's ok, and I probably am wrong! |  |
Lesley then goes and talks to Nathan and asks him about the phone call. |
 | I heard you on the phone talking to a woman about a divorce. Do you want to tell me what's going on? I don't want to see Imogen hurt. |  |
 | Ok, that is my wife, Jill. We split up 6 months ago 'cause she hit me, but she wouldn't believe it was over and refused to get a divorce. So I just pretend we have had a divorce. She keeps phoning me and I have told her that I was getting married to Imogen. |  |
Lesley then asks Nathan if Jill knows about his illegal wedding to Imogen. |
 | Does Jill know that you're married to Imogen? |  |
 | I did tell her that I was getting married to Imogen and she's not reporting me to the police because I'll just tell them about the abuse she put me through. |  |