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Nathan is Arrested for Bigamacy (22) by BenW1 on 05-17-2012
A couple of days after the wedding, Lesley tells her husband, Sergeant Jason, that Nathan was already married.
Love, I've got to tell you this, even though that Imogen would never forgive me, but Nathan was already married before he married Imogen.
What?! Well, we're gonna have to arrest him for this!
Sergeant Jason gets a copper to arrest Nathan.
Nathan Sullivan. I'm arresting you for bigamacy.
I know, but I can't got to jail!
At the police station, Sergeant Jason asks Nathan some questions.
So, how come you and Jill didn't get a divorce?
She said that I'd come around and we'll get back together, but i can't forgive her for what she did.
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<< Lesley tell Imogen she's going to have to Report Nathan to the Police (21) A Copper Arrests Jill for her Abuse to Nathan (23) >>