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Imogen decides to move away (34) by BenW1 on 05-19-2012
Lesley has a word with her husband, Sergeant Jason about Phil turning up on Imogen's doorstep.
Jason, I don't think that Phil should be able to see Imogen when his on bail.
Well, unfortunatley he's allowed where ever he wants to go. He'll be back at Whitby Prison in a couple of weeks anyway.
Later on, a copper tells Imogen that Nathan has been sent to jail for the rest of his life with no bail.
Hi Imogen. I've come to tell you that Nathan will be in Aberdeen Jail for the rest of his life, with no bail.
Well that's good news. Thank you officer.
A week later, Imogen tells Lesley that's she's decided to move to New York.
Well, seeing everything that's happened in the last year, I've decided to move away to make a fresh start. In New York!!
What! But I'll never see you! If this is because of Phil, he'll be back in jail in a few days!!
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