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Nathan gets a Cellmate (35) by BenW1 on 05-19-2012
Imogen tries to stop Lesley from worrying.
Phil or Nathan aren't driving me away. I just want a fresh start. Anyway, you can come and visit, and I'm not going till next month!!!
Yeh, like once a year!!!! You're my best friend!!
Meanwhile in Aberdeen Jail, A Policewoman tells Nathan that he will have a cellmate.
Ok, Nathan. You will have a cellmate. He's called Bob.
Oh, great (!)
Surprisingly, Nathan gets on with his cellmate.
Hey Nathan, I'm Bob. I'm in for theft on a jewlers. I've got 10 years!
Hey Bob. I'm in for hiring a hitman to kill my wife Jill. I'm in for the rest of my life, with NO BAIL!!!!
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<< Imogen decides to move away (34) Bob asks Nathan to escape prison with him!! (36) >>