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Bob asks Nathan to escape prison with him!! (36) by BenW1 on 05-19-2012
Nathan is shocked after Bob gives him a proposel!
Look, I don't wanna be in here anymore than you do. Why don't we try to escape??
Really, but how will we do that???
Bob tells him how to escape!!!
When we get our knives and forks the police officers give us to eat our food, we'll dig through the ground. And it's easy for us cause we're right next to the exit!!
But, it could be a bit hard!!?
Meanwhile, Sergeant Jason sends Phil back to prison as his bail is over.
Ok, I've booked you a taxi to be sent back to Whitby Prison. Your soliciter will meet you there.
Well, I'm not allowed a cell mate 'cause I'm a serial killer, so I've got nothing to go back to, but I'm glad I saw Imogen again. Pity she's leaving, but when i'm released in 24 years, I'll find her.
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