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Imogen's body is found (47) by BenW1 on 04-05-2013
After hunting for a days to find Imogen, A copper is searching around the woods and he sees a finger sticking out of the ground.
Oh My God! I've found a body! Sergeant Jason! look!
Good God! Quckily we need to dig it up.
The police realise that it is Imogen's body.
It's Imogen! She's been killed! Sergeant!
This is now definatley a murder investigation! We need to track down Nathan and his cellmate Bob. They are our main suspects.
Sergeant Jason then breaks the news to his wife, Lesley, who is absolutley devastated.
I'm so sorry love! We found Imogen's body buried in some nearby woods.
NO! Not my Imogen! Oh God! No!
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