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Serious Collaberation by DrJammz on 06-02-2013
Alright, Jim, who's our lucky caller?
Ah it's uh a young man, name of... Peter.
Excellent. Peter, how do YOU feel about deserts?
Uh huh. Uh huh. Yup. I gotcha. No problem. Oooh, sounds painful. Understood. Well, Gerald, he said your rear was a desert last night.
Oh! It's PETER! Oh okay, tell him he can't call me at work. We're doing a serious case study about deserts here. Also, that I love him.
Yup. Yup, you heard that? Aamazing. Yup. Yup. Ooooh, that sounds nice. Uh-huh. Don't worry I'll tell him. Gerald, he wants a divorce.
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