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Nemo Needed A Buddy by DrJammz on 06-02-2013
So I say to her, I say. Listen. Lady. Look at me. I'm practically ARMLESS!
Well, Paul, you may need TO GIVE ME A HAND HERE! I can't seem to get a HOLD of your JOKE!
If you ruin. My wedding day. With one of your stupid puns. About your weird arm. We're getting a divorce.
WELL MARIA! I'm just so STUMPED as to why you would think I'd make a joke like that! I'd have to go out on a LIMB just to do that!
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to divorce this young couple. Once ripe like the fruit of the supple manly trees, standing erect ready to ripen....
Oh boy, sir! I'd threaten hurt you, but I'M PRACTICALLY ARMLESS! #paulistherealwife
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