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Look man, I'm just busy by DrJammz on 06-03-2013
Sir? Could I have a moment of your time?
Uh-huh. Yeah. Yup. No, no don't let the slug get into the freezer, I promise you'll regret it.
Sir? Please, this a matter of life or death, sir.
Uh-huh. No, no. No. Nope. No, I cannot promise that you'll like the results of THAT. Hang on, Destiny, there's a dashing gentleman who seems to need my help.
... Sir, I don't need your help. You're literally going to drown in quicksand if we don't get you out of there. I've been crunching numbers. It'll happen SOON.
... Sir? May I call you Sam? Listen. Sam. I just hung up on Destiny. For you. So thanks for that. That's super.
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