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Work Day For Jenn by BrettGorby on 11-25-2013
Jenn drank like a sailor on leave at an office party
Unicorns, Rainbows, Puppies and SQUEEE!
That is great Jenn but I was looking more for the reason the budget on the building is 2000% above projection?
Jenn has an answer
Ted .. cause Unicorns!
Huh? Wait - there is a building on here that says for pegasi (just in case) and wait .. what? there is a room here that says "badger cuddle area"
Jenn taking control of the meeting!
Ted .. I said SQUEEE .. thus meeting over just make it happen
But most of these things don't exist. I don't understand .. how do I fabricate a Justin Timberlake sculpture out of whipped cream and pixie's eyelashes
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