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Fry Words List 1 by schaeferj20 on 04-08-2014
Fry words
You have DONE good on your ENGLISH now FLY QUICKLY to that PERSON.
OH I'll do that but you cross the STREET.
Fry words
Hablo Español comer la mitad de su comida y luego esperar por mí. (I speak Spanish eat HALF of your food and then WAIT for me.
hola mi nombre es Jose Tengo un niño de diez años y su nombre es Santiago por su cumpleaños que le di un fuerte cachorro.(hello my name is Jose I have a TEN year old and his name is Santiago for his birthday I gave him a strong puppy.
Fry words
bonjour cette boîte a une question et j'ai pensé que j'ai répondu correct.(hello this BOX has a question and I figured out that I answered it CORRECT.
ok alors je juste un eu une journée ordinaire.(ok then I just a had a regular day.
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