| You have DONE good on your ENGLISH now FLY QUICKLY to that PERSON. | |
| OH I'll do that but you cross the STREET. | |
| Hablo Español comer la mitad de su comida y luego esperar por mí. (I speak Spanish eat HALF of your food and then WAIT for me. | |
| hola mi nombre es Jose Tengo un niño de diez años y su nombre es Santiago por su cumpleaños que le di un fuerte cachorro.(hello my name is Jose I have a TEN year old and his name is Santiago for his birthday I gave him a strong puppy. | |
| bonjour cette boîte a une question et j'ai pensé que j'ai répondu correct.(hello this BOX has a question and I figured out that I answered it CORRECT. | |
| ok alors je juste un eu une journée ordinaire.(ok then I just a had a regular day. | |