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Gossip Girls by cami_kimikob on 06-13-2014
Lilly (left) and Abby (right) were enjoying a pleasant gossip while on the first night of their Hawaiian vacation.
Tamara is impossible to make appeasement with. She is so appathetic.
She is so archaic. I would be surprised if she even knew how to use a computer.
Later in the week, they were having another gossip session on the beautiful beach sunset.
Tamara called me and asked if she could come to Hawaii and stay with us. I said no.
I think she thinks we have ardor for her, when really we have animosity for her. What a stupid girl.
The last day of the vacation they were playing in the ocean before they left. Yet again, another gossip conversation was brought up about Tamara.
I think Tamara knows that we aspire for her to dissapear.
What do you expect Lilly? We made that statement very articulate.
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